Squamous Cell Carcinoma Invasive Atlas

P_VA9_S_208_19-Jan-2012_15.45.01_OCT_L_Upper_ForearmVA9 H

VA9: Left Forearm, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Invasive


VA9: Left Forearm, Adjacent Normal

P_VA15_S_229_23-Jan-2012_14.10.45_OCT_R_Dorsal_HandP_VA15annoVA15 H

VA15: Right Dorsal Hand, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Invasive, Keratoacanthoma type

  • Arrows indicate extent of squamous mass


VA15: Right Dorsal Hand, Adjacent, Normal

P_VA28_S_282_27-Jan-2012_10.47.59_OCT_R_Lateral_Arm_9-3P_VA28annoVA28 H

VA28: Right Lateral Arm, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Invasive

  • Arrows denote lower margin of squamous mass, note indistinct boundary and merging with collagenous dermis texture


VA28: Left Lateral Arm, Contra Lateral, Normal

P_VA109_S_800_24-Apr-2012_10.18.07_OCT_ScanVA109 H

VA109: Left Dorsal Hand, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Keratoacanthoma Type

  • Note absence of collagenous texture in lower scan area


VA109: Left Dorsal Hand, Adjacent, Normal

P_VA111_S_809_24-Apr-2012_10.23.03_OCT_ScanP_VA111annoVA111 H

VA111: Left Cheek Superior, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Invasive

  • Arrow denotes point at which collagen texture begins to diminish before becoming merged with the texture of squamous cells


VA111: Left Cheek Superior, Adjacent, Normal

P_VA129_S_903_07-May-2012_15.14.48_OCT_ScanP_VA129nnoVA129 H

VA129: Left Forearm, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Invasive, Keratoacanthoma Type

  • Arrow indicates keratin mass


VA129: Left Forearm, Adjacent, Normal

P_VA155_S_1042_22-May-2012_10.55.52_OCT_ScanP_VA155annoVA155 H

VA155: Left Neck, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Invasive

  • Arrow denotes point at which collagen texture begins to diminish before becoming merged with the texture of squamous cells


VA155: Left Neck, Adjacent, Normal



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